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Some good ideas from The Daily Green. We'll run a couple a day:Have you started to think about positive changes for next year? Please send us your ideas as we work together in 2013 for a better, healthier world:Avoid Waste: RecycleCost: $0For every trash can of waste you put outside for the trash collector, about 70 trash cans of waste are used in order to create that trash. To reduce the amount of waste you produce, buy products in returnable and recyclable containers and recycle as much as you can..

Monday, March 31, 2008

Ocean energy facts

Ocean energy is a form of renewable energy that uses the ocean's tides, waves, winds, currents and thermal elements to generate energy.Oceans cover over 70% of the Earth’s surface, making them the world’s largest solar energy collectors. The oceans constitute the largest powerhouse on Earth.There are three basic ways to tap the ocean for its energy. We can use the ocean's waves (Ocean Wave Power)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nuclear energy - Use in some countries

Nuclear energy is definitely one of the best solutions for growing energy needs of the modern world. Nuclear energy is much more abundant energy source than fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and unlike them presents clean and safe method to produce electricity. Yes nuclear energy is safe energy source and new Chernobyl is almost impossible to happen again considering the safety measures in

China - Leader in renewable energy

Solar powered city in China. Click on picture for full size.China is lately experiencing major economic boost and much credit for this boost goes to China's use of coal as coal provides more than 80% of China's power. But this percentage could change and not so far from now.China's renewable energy sector is fast-growing and China will this year invest more than $7bn in new renewables capacity in

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Biodiesel facts

Biodiesel is the name for a renewable energy source manufactured from vegetable oils, animal fats, and recycled cooking oils. Biodiesel can be produced at home with local inputs and biodiesel production and distribution can create jobs.Biodiesel is both hopeful and alarming. Hopeful because it's renewable, and alarming because rising food prices (food is turned into fuel).Biodiesel is a liquid

Mozambique keen to use hydropower

Mozambique is keen to use hydropower for satisfying the country's energy needs. Therefore Mozambique will finally take control of the biggest dam in sub-Saharan Africa, Cahora Bassa, which is second biggest dam in Africa (just behind Egypt's Aswan dam), that was in Portugal's hands more than 30 years after Portugal's colonial power ended.President of Mozambique Armando Guebuza said: "We are

Biokerosene to be used in aviation

Biokerosene and biodiesel are both biofuels, both refined from oleaginous crops. At first it looked like the biodiesel will be the most significant of all alternative fuels and first one to find its place on the international market. But apparently it looks like that won't be the case because biokerosene looks to be adapting more quickly because of its potential use in aviation. As we all know

Monday, March 24, 2008

Fossil fuels - dominant but dangerous

Carbon cycle process. Click on picture for full size.Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources since they need millions of years to form and its reserves are being depleted much faster than new ones are being formed. Fossil fuels category includes oil, coal and natural gas. Fossil fuels when burning release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and carbon dioxide is very harmful greenhouse gas,

Carbon capture technology - Best solution?

Carbon capture technology is technology that tends to reduce negative impact of global warming by capturing carbon dioxide(CO2) from power plants and subsequently storing it instead of releasing it into the atmosphere. Capturing carbon dioxide means nothing without its storage and the storage of carbon dioxide is still relatively unknown in majority of the world countries.Carbon capture

Sunday, March 23, 2008

ITER project - The only real problem is time

ITER is joint international research/engineering project that has its goal to provide future electricity from fusion power. Fusion reaction releases energy when two light atomic nuclei fuse together forming heavier nucleus and this released energy could well be main future energy source. ITER's main goal is to harness nuclear fusion as the future energy source and if all goes well this project

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Geothermal energy - Use and working principle

Geothermal energy is energy that is gained thanks to an intensive heat that continuously flows outward from deep within the Earth. Word “geothermal” has its roots in two Greek words, “gheo” which means Earth and “thermal” which means heat. This energy is mainly generated from Earth's core since temperature of Earth's center is reaching temperatures above 6000 degrees Celsius which is even hot

Wind power revolution - Connecting wind farms

Wind farm. Click on picture for full size.Wind power is renewable energy source with very large potential and is the fastest growing renewable energy source. However wind power has certain disadvantages mainly because wind isn't steady source of energy since wind speed changes a lot, meaning there's no certain energy delivery system. But this could be easily changed by connecting wind farms

Friday, March 21, 2008

Oil energy facts

Oil is non-renewable energy source and belongs to fossil fuels, together with coal and natural gas.Oil was formed more than 300 million years ago.Oil has been used for more than 5000 years (ancient Babylonians and Sumerians had used crude oil).Oil can be found under ground in areas of rock that are porous and contain the oil within the rock itself.Oil is made into many different products like for

Coal energy facts

Coal is non-renewable energy source.Coal, together with oil and natural gas belongs to fossil fuels.Coal was formed about 300 million years ago.Coal is a combustible mostly black sedimentary rock composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons.Coal takes a million years to create and therefore it belongs to non-renewable energy sources.Coal mining uses two methods: surface or underground mining where

Wind energy facts

Wind energy is a renewable energy source.

Wind energy is a pollution-free energy source.

Wind energy is very abundant energy source in many parts of the USA.

Wind energy is mostly used to generate electricity.

Wind energy is mostly used renewable energy source.

Wind energy unlike some thought very economically competitive.

Wind energy is one of the lowest-priced renewable energy sources.

Hydropower facts

Hydropower is the most significant renewable energy source.Hydropower is the only renewable energy source that is in some measure competitive with fossil fuels.Hydropower is the force of energy of moving water.Hydropower is clean renewable energy source that doesn't pollute environment.Hydropower uses the Earth's water cycle to generate electricity because movement of water as it flows downstream

Natural gas and LNG facts

Natural gas is formed primarily of methane and can include ethane, propane, butane and pentane as well.Natural gas is the cleanest of all the fossil fuels.Natural gas can be found in oil field, natural gas fields and coal beds.Natural gas storage and transportation is its biggest difficulty because of the low density.Natural gas is often referred to as just gas, without the word natural.Natural

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Geothermal energy facts

Geothermal energy is energy generated by heat stored beneath the Earth's surface.Geothermal energy is often referred to as geothermal power.Geothermal energy supplies less than 10 % of the world's energy.Geothermal energy is clean and safe for the surrounding environment.Geothermal energy is sustainable because hot water can be re-injected into the ground.Geothermal energy is extremely price

Arizona - Solar energy as logical choice

Arizona energy map - yellow color points areas with high solar power potential. Click on picture for full size.California isn't the only state with the extremely favorable climate conditions for exploiting the solar energy as Arizona is heading in the same way but on a slightly smaller scale than California. With more than 300 days a year of sunshine, solar energy is more than logical future

California - Solar energy kingdom?

California Energy Commission has revealed plans for six new plants that could produce 2,400 megawatts of power. Their spokesman Bob Aldrich said staffers have also talked with representatives of eight more proposed plants that could generate about 1,770 additional megawatts. Since California is on very favorable position to use the Sun's energy this plans could well be true and favorable climate

Biodiesel and food prices

Recently there's more and more talk about the biodiesel and ethanol (biofuels) as the replacements for the traditional fossil fuels and majority of politicians are saying how biodiesel and ethanol are the perfect renewable energy sources which can be manufactured by literally anyone and therefore decrease the energy import dependence. Despite the fact that there are significant benefits in

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Solar energy facts

Solar energy is energy from the sun.Solar energy can be converted directly or indirectly into other forms of energy.Solar energy is also referred to as solar power.Solar energy free and clean energy source.Solar energy does not produce waste or pollution and is ecologically acceptable.Solar energy drives climate and weather and supports all life on Earth.Solar energy technologies are using the

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