Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Waukesha home installs solar panels on shingles of recycled diapers

From an article by Linda McAlpine on GM Today:

WAUKESHA - From the faux-slate shingles made of recycled baby diapers and rooftop solar panels to its engineered wood floors, the house being built at 1512 Rock Ridge Way in Waukesha is anything but traditional.

The 2,100 square-foot house is the 2008 Wisconsin Trend Home and when completed later this summer will house the latest in energy-saving and environmentally-friendly technology.

Starting at the top, Tim O’Brien, of O’Brien Homes, Waukesha, builder of the home, walked through some of its cutting edge highlights.

"The shingles, which look like slate, are made of recycled baby diapers, tires and plastic bottles," he said. "Because they’re light, they don’t need the structure to support them so you need less wood. You’re doing something good for the environment by using product made from recycled material. They also have a 50-year life span."

According to Lisa Schaal, solar site assessor for Sol Power, Milwaukee, the 20 solar panels on the roof enable the house to use about 500 or less kilowatts per month, compared with the average home electricity usage of 800 kilowatts per month.

Dave Schwabenlender, of Arch Electric, LLC of Plymouth, said the panels will generate power even on cloudy days.


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