From a news release issued by Wisconsin Environment:
Green Bay, WI –Reducing dependence on fossil fuels, creating new jobs and protecting the environment for future generations are all benefits resulting from the clean energy policies adopted in Wisconsin in recent years, according to a new report released today at events in Madison, Milwaukee and Green Bay by Wisconsin Environment. The group cited the report’s findings as clear evidence the state legislature should take the next steps toward a clean energy economy.
“This report shows that we can repower Wisconsin and revitalize our economy with homegrown clean energy solutions,” said Wisconsin Environment Director Dan Kohler. “With our abundant natural resources and strong manufacturing and agricultural base, we have the perfect combination of assets to be a national leader.”
Wisconsin Environment’s new report comes as state lawmakers are gearing up to consider new commitments to renewable energy and efficiency programs. Last August, Governor Doyle’s Global Warming Task Force recommended increasing the state’s renewable energy commitment from 10% by 2015 up to 25% by 2025, as well as using energy more wisely. Legislation stemming from the task force is expected to be announced later this summer.
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