From a news release issued by U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore:
(Washington, DC)— Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-Wisc.) today announced that Milwaukee will receive $5,839,100 in Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) funding awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy as part of the Recovery Act. These funds are intended to create local green jobs and help improve energy efficiency in communities across the country by reducing energy use and fossil fuel emissions.
“This funding will make improvements in homes, businesses and municipal buildings that will help keep energy costs down,” Congresswoman Moore said. “Not only are these improvements important for personal, business and city finances, they also move Milwaukee toward better overall energy efficiency, create green jobs, reduce our environmental impact, and demonstrate that our city can keep up with energy innovation.”
The city of Milwaukee will use these funds to make energy efficiency improvements in municipal buildings including retrofits that will update older lighting systems. The city will also actively seek additional opportunities to make energy efficiency improvements in municipal buildings.
A residential retrofit program will provide a revolving loan fund for homeowners to complete energy retrofits, and a similar program will offer the same type of revolving loan fund to businesses.
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