From a presentation to the Public Service Commission Wind Siting Council by Jevon D. McFadden, MD, MPH:
General Conclusions
Evidence does not support the conclusion that wind turbines cause or are associated with adverse health outcomes
Gaps remain in our knowledge of the impact that wind energy may have on human health
Potential positive and potential negative impacts
Passionate analyses, whether by proponents or opponents of wind energy development, may be subject to significant bias, which compromises credibility
Encourage concerned individuals to report symptoms or illness to a healthcare provider
Encourage health officials to continue to assess new evidence as it becomes available
Recommend involving affected individuals in siting process
Shadow Flicker
Wind turbine rotor frequencies
+Average 0.6–1.0 Hz
+Max 3 Hz (at 60 rpm)
+National Research Council: “Harmless to humans”
Photosensitivity epilepsy
+1/4,000 individuals
+Sunlight, TV are common precipitants
Flickeringlight most likely to trigger seizures
+5–30 Hz
Noise & Health —Conclusions
Chronic exposure to high levels of sound
+Hearing loss
+Altered physiological processes
Long-term health effects of chronic exposure to low level sound not well characterized
Noise sensitivity is important determinate of responses to noise
Response to moderate levels of sound affected by cognitive appraisal of sound source
Dr. McFadden lists the following affiliations at the beginning of his presentation:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention —Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer
United States Public Health Service —Lieutenant Commander
Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health, Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health
University of Wisconsin, School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Population Health Sciences —Adjunct Assistant Professor
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