From a news release issued by Focus on Energy:
When you install ENERGY STAR qualified compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) there are financial and energy savings to be realized; however, there are a few misconceptions about CFLs that have kept some homeowners on the fence. Focus on Energy, Wisconsin's statewide program for energy efficiency and renewable energy, is tackling those myths in an effort to educate Wisconsin residents and help them switch to CFLs. Starting Oct. 1, 2010, and for a limited time, Focus on Energy is offering CFLs for a discounted price at participating retail locations throughout the state.
"We are thrilled with the number of residents throughout Wisconsin who have reduced their energy use and utility bills by installing ENERGY STAR qualified CFLs, but there are still many who have not made the switch," said Linda Mae Schmitt, program manager for Focus on Energy. "It's my hope that by exposing common misconceptions about CFLs, we can encourage more people to take advantage of the many benefits of energy-efficient lighting. And now is the perfect time get on board. Why wouldn't you want to save money while also helping Wisconsin's environment?"
The release goes on to present the facts about the following myths:
Myth #1: CFLs are expensive.
Myth #2: CFLs won't fit in my fixtures.
Myth #3: CFLs are hazardous.
Myth #4: CFLs are hard to find.
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