Have you ever wondered what wind or solar was really capable of in terms of power production? I know we've been told that they both have significant limitations yet, here's BMW announcing they will power an entire factory, one making 200,000 cars per year, with wind. Not so insignificant, in my view.
Here's the link to the article on Environmental Leader: http://www.environmentalleader.com/2011/08/22/bmw-factory-to-use-100-on-site-wind/
And the article:
" Automaker BMW is to power its Leipzig, Germany, factory using wind power alone.
Monday, August 22, 2011
BMW Factory to Use 100% On-Site Wind
The company plans to build four turbines at the Leipzig facility that should provide the necessary energy by 2013, the AFP reports. BMW said that it hopes the plant can become an example of green best practice for its other factories.
In 2011 the Leipzig plant is forecast to build 200,000 cars.
In July, a BMW dealership near Vancouver became the first business in British Columbia to install a commercial-scale turbine.
The Auto West Group’s egg beater-shaped, vertical-axis turbine is the latest green addition to the dealership, which has solar panels, geothermal heating and cooling, and rooftop gardens."
Most of us use a lot less energy than a BMW factory. Clearly, their financial return on this must be very good, and we will certainly try to get them on a show to talk about this. In the meantime don't underestimate the potential of the wind or sun to power your business or KW needs at home.
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