For those of you who usually watch us on News Channel 5, we are sorry it did not run as scheduled. We are waiting for an explanation from ABC 6/News Channel 5, but they think it was a failed up load to their system on Friday, so it was not in their system today, at master control, to run.
We'll get a written explanation and share it with you.
Also, Terra Pass sent this to us and we are happy to share it with everyone. Send us a Christmas card:
How do we fight climate change?
Reminding our friends that we care:
about them, our planet, and our future.
Get the message across. Send an e-card today!
It's not just an e-card; it's an e-card with carbon offsets, which capture greenhouse gases that are harming our planet. Do your part for your friends.
Send an e-card today. 97-TerraPass-carbon-offsets-e-cards.html.
Sweeten your message with some climate change chocolate!
Spread the word!
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TerraPass Inc.
527 Howard St., 4th floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
© TerraPass 2004 - 2011.
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