Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Good work from our UK office

The Arpin Group is, we believe, the greenest moving company in the world. Not only have we remodeled our headquarters into an efficient space, powered mostly by solar energy, but we've extended the transformation to every corner of the world through the help of our global offices.

Here's the most recent work done by our staff located in Kent: "ENVIRONMENTAL

The Environmental Protection Act 1990 (sec. 34) places a duty of care on businesses, companies and other organisations who produce waste to be responsible for the safe disposal or recycling of their waste.
Organisations must:
§ Ensure that the waste they produce is suitably contained while awaiting collection, ensuring it does not get blown away causing litter.
§ Ensure that the waste they produce is collected by a registered waste carrier and disposed of at a licensed site (you can check if a collection company is registered or a disposal site is licensed with the Environment Agency by telephoning 0845 933 3111). This system of licensing is designed to prevent waste being fly tipped in areas such as country lay-bys.

UK OFFICE ACHIEVEMENTS - TONER RECYCING – We now donate all our empty toners to Infotone. We receive £10 credit for each toner recycled. At the end of each month we donate our credit to charity ‘Action for Sick Children’. We receive a certificate once per year.

PAPER AND CARDBOARD RECYCLING – We have enlisted Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Plc to assist with the disposal of our commercial waste. Twice a month pick ups inorder to recycle all our used paper and cardboard.


We have donated a Playstation console with games to the Comard Mondello Nursery in Uganda Raffle taking place at The 2012 Corporate Relocation Conference & Exhibition on Monday 6th February at Hotel Russell, Russell Square –"

Small steps, we know, but multiplied times ten, times a thousand times...adds up to a significant impact on the world, and is the foundation for building a sustainable company.

Our thanks to Natalie, Phil, John and our team in the UK. We welcome Natalie as a member of our green team, and look forward to teaming with her on a cleaner, brighter future in the moving industry.


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