Between now and Earth Day, we're asking you to commit to us.
For $1, $5, $10, or $25 or $50 per month, you can become an ecoRI Newssustaining donor. Your financial support directly funds our reporting and outreach. We do a lot on a shoestring budget, and we need your support to keep our operation going. What do we do with your money? Well, here's just some of what we do:
- Investigate stories not covered by the mainstream media.
- Tell the stories of unsung heroes who are working every day to preserve our state's environment and lift up underserved communities.
- Collect your compostable food scraps at farmers' markets.
- Green up road races, conferences and events around the state.
- Work hard because we care, and because we, too, live in Rhode Island.
We humbly ask for your support at this critical juncture in our fledgling news organization's brief two-year history. With your help, we can go boldly forward.
Please donate by clicking either the Commit button below, or by mailing a check in care of ecoRI Inc. to: ecoRI News, 111 Hope St., Providence, RI 02906. ecoRI News is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so in addition to being appreciated, your donation is also tax deductible.
Thanks from all of us.

All who donate between now and Earth Day are entered into a raffle to win a limited-edition T-shirt.
ecoRINews brings the right balance, we believe, in striving for environmental protection with growth in jobs and revenue. We are happy to share their request for support.
Great radio show on WARL 1320 yesterday, and we look forward to premiering, this Sat and Sunday, on ABC 6 and The Live Well Network, the Cardi's Furniture show, shot in their amazing facility in Swansea, MA.
Learn how this great company is transforming for a sustainable future.
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