"When we first heard that the Empire State Building was going to be retrofitted for energy efficiency, we were stoked. Such an iconic building could be a great proving ground for showing building owners big and small the huge benefits of making these types of upgrades and has it ever..."
Very simply, investing in efficiency has a great ROI. Here's very big and perfect example.
Now, here's a surprising story and data:
"Digital delivery of content for e-readers is a rapidly expanding market. Many assume that, because trees aren't being cut down and used to maufacture paper for books, e-readers (including the Kindle, Nook, iPad, and the like) are a greener way to read books and magazines. But a broader look at the use of these devices that includes the life-cycle of the e-readers themselves paints a much bleaker picture about how green they really are..."
We will focus a show on this soon.
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