Today, it is hard to think about anything but the terror that struck at midnight last night in a jammed packed Showcase Cinema. It will certainly go down as one our nation's saddest moments and days.
It has been a difficult summer for the great State of CO. Already singed by roaring fires, the area now struggles with a second senseless, random bloody attack on its people. In a beautiful State, full of wondrous, glorious natural resources, towered by majestic mountain tops, it is hard to fathom this type of human tragedy.
Our mission is to find and help to a cleaner, brighter future. That does not exist if there is no respect for human life. Sustainability depends on hope, dreams of a better world. Days like this rip the heart our of hope.
We, like the rest of the world, pray for the darkness to lift off that beautiful State. We pray positive answers come out of the countless questions that will be asked. We pray hope finds its way back into the souls that were emptied in the early morning hours of this tragic day.
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