Here's the headlines from this story which looks positive:
More businesses sought for Gloucester green initiative
That, on the surface, looks fine. Yet, read the story below:
"BILL NACHMAN | POSTED ON AUG 15, 2012 - 11:18 AM
Through the Gloucester Green Office Challenge, county businesses learn how to put simple environmental strategies into action to reduce avoidable waste and pollution, while saving energy and costs, says Clean Community coordinator Bill Bell.
However, few businesses have expressed an interest in the program since it received a major push early this year, Bell said. The "challenge" assists participating businesses in implementing environmentally-friendly initiatives that will help to improve the environment and reduce the county’s carbon footprint.
Bell said he would like to present certificates to more local businesses for completing the self-directed challenge that both identifies environmentally-friendly practices in the workplace and encourages employees to make energy-saving steps at home as well. Only one business has received a certificate since the Clean Community Office began promoting the program early this year.
Businesses seeking recognition must indicate they are taking many pro-environment steps, such as energy conservation and recycling materials. "It is important for businesses to reduce, reuse and recycle," Bell said"
How sad that "few businesses have expressed interest" in a program that will both save them money and help the environment. Why? What other motivation do company owners need to invest in efficiency?
The fact is, the ROI on investments in efficiency and clean energy is, in our opinion and experience, the best available today. Our internal rate of return on our reduced energy use at our global headquarters, and use of solar, eclipses 25%...pretty phenomenal.
We'd like to hear from you on this, and would like to see those companies in Glouster, VA jump into this worthy program and benefit themselves and the air quality in the area.
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