Is a great organization, who we've highlighted before, whose mission is "engage leaders to design and build a brighter energy future". Very simple, very nice, so needed now and going forward.
Albert Chan, from RMI will be our guest on Wed's live show, on WARL 1320 (use their stream) and we'll focus on RMI's contribution of the book, Reinventing Fire, an amazing look at what our energy policy is today, and would it should be going forward. One of our presidential candidates in the US, we don't care if it's O'bama or Romney, should adopt this energy policy as their own and run with it.
Here's a link to a preview of a great book and concept for moving to a cleaner, more efficient energy system--across the world:
Tune in live on Weds, then listen 24/7 on the Renewable Now channel where you can find our past radio shows on-demand as well.
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