Senate Bill 185 comes to the full Senate for a vote today. Two organizations issues news releases to express support for the bill:
CREWE Urges Bi-Partisan Support for Wind Siting Bill
(MADISON, Wis.)—Clean, Responsible Energy for Wisconsin’s Economy (CREWE) today urged state lawmakers to support the proposed uniform wind siting legislation as it heads to the Senate floor on Tuesday. Senate Bill 185/Assembly Bill 256 would create jobs and help Wisconsin meet its renewable energy requirements by having the Public Service Commission (PSC) set standards for large and small wind energy systems across the state.
“We can establish a green economy and add needed jobs to the state with the passing of SB 185/ AB 256, in which CREWE has taken an active role this year,” Thad Nation, executive director of CREWE, said. “I’m sure both Democrats and Republicans can agree that this bill will benefit Wisconsin’s ratepayers, taxpayers and environment.”
Currently, more than 600 megawatts of planned wind developments are stalled across Wisconsin due to midstream changes in regulations and procedures. A consistent and uniform siting policy will allow Wisconsin to take advantage of wind development and growth, Nation added.
From the news release issued by Clean Wisconsin:
MADISON — The Senate will vote on a piece of legislation Tuesday that will create new jobs, generate new investments in our state’s economy and encourage new renewable energy businesses to locate in Wisconsin.
Senate Bill 185, or wind siting legislation, will bring family-supporting jobs to the state while replacing the patchwork of local regulations with sensible statewide standards for permitting wind farms.
At the same time, Democratic representatives of the Assembly will hold a press conference Tuesday at 10:30 to share their job creation agenda for Wisconsin; wind siting plays a crucial role in their plan. The Assembly votes on the bill Wednesday.
In early August, the bill passed the Senate Committee on Commerce, Energy, Utilities and Rail 6-1. In June, it passed the Assembly Committee on Energy and Utilities 10-2.
“This legislation will create jobs, generate clean energy and put us on the path to energy independence,” says Ryan Schryver, clean energy advocate for Clean Wisconsin, the state’s largest environmental advocacy organization. “Wisconsin has lost a record number of jobs in recent months, and this legislation is a needed
mechanism to re-create some of the jobs the state has lost.”
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