From a news release issued by Clean Wisconsin:
Regionally Diverse Large and Small Businesses Among Supporters
MADISON -- In a show of support for the Clean Energy Jobs Act, the Wisconsin business community delivered a letter signed by over 200 Wisconsin businesses to state legislators today highlighting the economic and job-creation benefits of strong energy efficiency and renewable energy policies.
"As businesses currently working in the production, installation and maintenance of energy efficiency and renewable energy systems we understand better than anyone that clean energy policies create jobs and stimulate local economies," read the letter. "By enacting statewide policies that will help Wisconsinites make their homes and businesses more energy efficient or invest in renewable energy, the state Legislature will create thousands of jobs and help support local businesses like ours..."
Studies have repeatedly demonstrated the job-creation potential of the Clean Energy Jobs Act. A recent study from the Office of Energy Independence estimates that the bill would create over 15,000 jobs in the state.
"Wisconsin’s businesses support the Clean Energy Jobs Act because they recognize its enormous potential to create jobs and aid economic recovery," said Keith Reopelle, senior policy director at Clean Wisconsin. "With strong renewable energy and energy efficiency policies, Wisconsin can become a leader in the production of clean energy technologies."
"Clean energy policies like those in the Clean Energy Jobs Act help businesses like Wave Wind grow," said Dionne Lummus at Wave Wind Energy located in Sun Prairie. "Increased demand for renewable energy means an increased demand for our services, which translates to more jobs and economic growth in Wisconsin."
A report released this morning by the Union of Concerned Scientists shows that securing 25 percent of the state’s renewable electricity by 2025, a main provision of the bill, is affordable and easily achievable. In fact, the report illustrates that generating 25 percent of Wisconsin’s current electricity load would require only 5 percent of the state’s renewable energy potential.
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