Join us as we tell Scott Walker that Wisconsin can't afford to say NO over $800 million dollars in federal grant funds for this project, 9,570 permanent jobs, and increased property values.
When: Saturday, November 20th, 12:00 - 12:45 p.m
Where: Milwaukee Intermodal Station, 433 West St. Paul Ave
Who: Congresswoman Gwen Moore (invited); Sen. Spencer Coggs, SD 6; Robert Craig, Citizen Action; Rosemary Wehnes, Sierra Club; Phil Neuenfeldt, AFL CIO (invited), and You. More details.
If we want to save this train, we need to speak up now! Join us as we tell Scott Walker that Wisconsin can't afford to say NO over $800 million dollars in federal grant funds for this project, 9,570 permanent jobs, and increased property values. Let's extend the popular Hiawatha service connecting Chicago and Milwaukee. Let's create a safe, convenient efficient way to travel throughout the Midwest. We can make a difference, IF we stand together. Please attend and bring a friend!
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