Nice article by Ajilon Professionals with advice for companies putting in green initiatives, and the importance of engaging employees and customers into their environmental efforts. The article makes the point, and I will carry segments of it today and tomorrow, that "Indeed, going green is not an option anymore. It is a business imperative." Do you agree with this statement? Will you take your company green? If not, why not?
Here's some of their suggestions; I will have the others tomorrow:
"Work electronically first and foremost.
Make use of e-mail instead of regular mail, electronic records instead of expansive retention boxes and web-based manuals in place of cumbersome printed handbooks. These are all great ways to enhance efficiency, reduce the amount of paper, ink and toner your company uses, and decrease the amount you spend on supplies.
Allow employees to work remotely.
When schedules allow, consider letting your employees work from home. This will help cut down on carbon emissions from your commuting workforce and, with more lights and computers turned off, will lessen energy consumption in your office. Plus, studies have shown that working remotely can improve employee morale and productivity, which can translate into better results for your bottom line.
Organize a green committee.
Bring coworkers together as a group to provide creative ideas on how your organization can establish or enhance its environmentally friendly practices. Passionate employees have a lot to offer and can help bring concepts into practice. This is also a great way to promote camaraderie and teamwork in the office.
Ask employees to pitch in.
Encourage employees to bring ceramic coffee mugs to work rather than purchasing foam or paper cups. Set up recycling bins next to trash cans. Place carpool sign-up sheets in the break room. Empowering your employees is a great way to inspire them to make a difference."
Arpin Renewable Energy Company has fantastic organic, green mugs. Contact me and I will be happy to send you one and offer them for sale to your employees at cost. Let's at least get them to stop buying cups each morning for their coffee.
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