If you have any doubt about the growing domain of going green and the global green economy, read this article by clicking on this link: http://www.ttkn.com/science-environment/seed-initiative-celebrates-entrepreneurs-accelerating-transition-to-a-green-economy-10404.html.
Have you heard of SEED or their awards program? I had not, but I am very impressed by the awards they just handed out in South Africa. Arpin would love to be so honored on a global scale.
Here's an excerpt from the article:
"The Symposium focused on policies needed to accelerate the transition to a Green Economy and on the environmental and social contribution of community-level entrepreneurs in developing countries.
The SEED Awards recognize inspiring social and environmental entrepreneurs whose businesses can help meet sustainable development challenges, boost local economies and alleviate poverty. By helping entrepreneurs to scale-up their activities, SEED aims to refocus policies towards promoting Green Economic initiatives such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, water and waste management, eco-friendly tourism and green construction and transport"
Bottom line: The green economy is an engine of growth. It is a part of the world's future commerce. We embrace this new economy and are realizing gains in revenues and profits as a result. Are you?
Our next 8 shows on Renewable Now will highlight companies and organizations finanical success on similar investments in green energy, technology and commerce. Watch to get inspired.
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