Not all the reports on the investment in green jobs and the green economy are good. Here, Obama and his staff get blasted for wasting money on bad investments in renewable energy and sustainable industries. Take a look:
Fox Hosts Author Of Discredited Study To Bash Green Jobs | Media Matters for America:
Fox Hosts Author Of Discredited Study To Bash Green Jobs
September 01, 2011 10:47 am ET by Jill Fitzsimmons
"On his Fox Business show, Eric Bolling hosted Dr. Gabriel Calzada from Spain's Universidad Rey Juan Carlos to criticize the Obama administration's green jobs initiatives. Calzada called Spain's renewable energy program "a total disaster" and argued that it should not be used as a model for U.S. clean energy policy. Bolling wondered whether there is still time "to pull back all the money and assets and resources we're putting into green":
Dr. Calzada is the founder of a libertarian think-tank and co-author of a 2009 study claiming that Spain's renewable energy programs "destroyed" 2.2 jobs "for every green job created." The study asserts that these costs are not unique to Spain's approach, but instead are "largely inherent in schemes to promote renewable energy sources."
Of course Fox failed to mention that Calzada's study, commissioned by the industry-funded Institute for Energy Research, has been widely discredited due to its suspect methodology and unsupported conclusions.
Dr. Calzada is the founder of a libertarian think-tank and co-author of a 2009 study claiming that Spain's renewable energy programs "destroyed" 2.2 jobs "for every green job created." The study asserts that these costs are not unique to Spain's approach, but instead are "largely inherent in schemes to promote renewable energy sources."
Of course Fox failed to mention that Calzada's study, commissioned by the industry-funded Institute for Energy Research, has been widely discredited due to its suspect methodology and unsupported conclusions."
Nevertheless, conservative media outlets continue to cite the Calzada study to criticize green jobs, including at least a dozen times in the past two weeks:
The arguments, then, are global and very far reaching. We don't have money left for bad investments, yet we need to reduce our use of resources and disposition of waste. Are their new products, new companies, new innovations out there worthy of our new capitol?
At Renewable Now, we think we have profiled some great personal and business success stories. We have seen some great ROI's on such projects. Yet, maybe we need to uncover the failed companies and ventures, and learn as much from those failures as we have from the successes.
We intend to focus a new show on the sad, possible complete demise of Solyndra, a US maker of a great solar product who just fell into Chapter 11. What can we learn from their saga?
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