For providing information on a very important Department of Energy series on reducing energy use, get this, by 50% And, as we've been preaching, it all starts with reducing your energy use and waste output.
Here's the headline: AEDG for Small to Medium Office Buildings: Solutions to Achieve 50% Energy Savings in Office Buildings Webinar.
Some of the text: The 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide (AEDG) series follows six volumes of award winning 30% guides. The AEDGs are the result of a partnership between DOE, ASHRAE, AIA, IESNA and USGBC, and the next group of publications will provide guidance on achieving 50% savings over ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004. The first guide in the new series, 50% AEDG for Small to Medium Office Buildings, is currently available for free download.
Below is the official announcement. We are happy to promote this series and webinar. Please let us know if you participate, and let us know the results, going forward, of your energy use...reduced energy use, we hope.
Please pass this on and promote where you can. Our thanks to DOE for saving resources and carbon.
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