Very nice site with great daily green tips.
Here's an article on e-waste collections, but keep in mind that Arpin and a host of other sponsors are having an e-waste event on Sat, Oct 22, at the West Warwick Industrial Park. The event includes collection of e-waste (almost any kind of electronics), batteries, shredding of your sensitive docs and blood drive, flu shots and lots more. All to benefit the fuel assistance program of the Artic Mission ( to keep people warm this winter. Contact us or go to their site for more information.
Here's the story from Greenopolis: Best Buy, Energy Star and Team up for Teen E-Waste Drive
Monday, October 10, 2011
Every year U.S. residents throw away between 300 and 400 million electronic items. Most of these items are not recycled, so they end up in our local landfills, contaminating the earth with toxic lead waste. Who are the owners of these electronics? Many are young students who are upgrading their computers, game consoles and smartphones for the latest high tech gadget.
We look forward to seeing you on Sat, Oct 22.
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