This promising headline from EcoGeek this week. Obviously, a lot of things could go wrong, and they may, ultimately, not get to 90% If you see the comments below the article--'s many that doubt VT's ability to reach this goal. But, even getting close would be a huge success and improvement from where the State is right now.
Here it is. We'll let you decide the merits and how viable this goal may be. In the meantime we applaud their ambition and vision:
"Vermont's Department of Public Service has released a new Comprehensive Energy Plan that raises its renewable energy target to 90% by 2050, a huge leap from the 25% by 2050 target set in 2008.
The plan calls for a mix of new renewable energy projects, energy conservation, gains in residential and commercial energy efficiency, and developing plug-in vehicle infrastructure.
Vermont has a bit of an advantage going into this goal since it has the lowest energy demand in New England and also has no coal-fired power plants. The Vermont Yankee nuclear plant that supplies one-third of its electricity is closing next year, so the state is aggressively pursuing renewable energy, mainly solar and wind power, to replace it."
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