We just did an interesting TV show with Pat Beck who talked about grass-fed beef and the proper way to raise cattle and other livestock.
Co-incidentally, we found this effort, being shepherded by Green America, to bring proper labeling to food. Take a look and either jump in and participate or sends us your comments on why this would be a bad idea (such as, possibly, the fallout from too much government regulation):
"Unlike many countries, in the United States, we don’t know if the food we’re eating has been genetically engineered. The vast majority of Americans would like to know what’s in their food, but so far the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has refused to require labeling.
Green America and its allies are working to change that. A legal petition (Docket # FDA-2011-P-0723-0001/CP) has been filed with the FDA calling on the FDA to label genetically engineered (GE) foods.
Now is our opportunity to be heard. We’re working with our allies to get hundreds of thousands of people to let the government know they want to know what’s in their food.
Let’s flood the FDA with comments so they know that the public wants labeling of GE foods!"
The link, if you'd like to sign and send in the petition, is: http://www.greenamerica.org/takeaction/GMO2011/
Thanks to Green America for their efforts.
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