To everyone who has posted a positive comment on our blog. So much of finding a better future is embodied in positive energy and optimism. It is always about seeing past the clouds to the next sunny horizon. You help us do that, and we hope we help you do the same.
Also, we shot five new shows this week, and we are excited, in New England, about moving to ABC 6 on Saturdays at 3p, EST (this week, because of network commitments, 1:30p, EST). Watch for us as we add many new media outlets, and keep listening each Weds, from 12-1p, EST, to our show on WARL 1320 and their related, worldwide stream.
Nice piece on Ebay: How eBay Uses its Website to Drive Sustainability and Innovation
By Annie Lescroart
Published January 26, 2012
Here's the link:
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