Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Live radio show today at 12p, EST

On WARL 1320 AM and Blog Talk Radio, Renewable Now channel.

You can email questions during the show or reach us on Twitter/Facebook.

Here's some info on our guest:

Who is Mrs. Green?

Gina Murphy-Darling loves being Mrs. Green—a woman born to connect individuals and businesses with green-friendly solutions in a powerful movement toward global sustainability.
People consider Mrs. Green a messenger for Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. Everyone from retired chemical engineers to design-school millennials appreciates her authentic, powerfully positive way of advocating for our planet.
Mrs. Green’s interest in preserving our planet had a slow awakening. But after attending a conference for the Amazon Herb Company, her awareness turned into an unstoppable passion. That’s where she heard company founder John Easterling explain why preserving the rainforest should matter. Instantly she committed to educating mainstream people about dire and confusing “green issues” through her radio show “Mrs. Green Goes Mainstream.” Since 2008, this show has attracted dozens of experts and thousands of listeners with an ever-growing audience. Today, outreach for Mrs. Green’s World has expanded to include a website, blog, enewsletter, Facebook page, and links to green-hungry audiences through Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube.


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