That is the question we constantly ask ourselves and try to find the right answers and models of success.
Our next series of TV shows will profile positive changes in education. One of the groups we will profile is Apeiron Institute and we love the definition they post on their site, along with some good examples of what it means and what it can look like in real life. Take a look:
“…to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
The World Commission on Environment and Development (The Brundtland Commission)
“Sustainable” is working and living in ways that can continue for generations to come. Examples of sustainable practices are: meeting our energy needs from clean renewable sources such as wind and solar power rather than more polluting forms of energy; producing foods locally rather than trucking them in from far away places; or designing buildings with healthy materials that use fewer resources to heat and cool. Practices that work for future generations encompass almost every aspect of our lives: the air we breathe and water we drink, how we grow our economy and develop our communities; ultimately, these practices determine our health, safety, and prosperity.
Sustainable RI is a multi faceted initiative to transform Rhode Island into the nation’s first Sustainable State. The Apeiron Institute launched Sustainable RI as the Rhode Island Sustainability Coalition in 2001 to put “sustainable” thinking at the heart of how we grow and develop our state".
Tomorrow, we'll continue to look at Apeiron, and other institutes like them, and highlight some of their great successes and how their overriding goal is very ambitious: "to transform Rhode Island into the nation’s first Sustainable State."
How cool would that be?
More tomorrow.
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