Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Milwaukee gets high marks for sustainability, energy, water

From an article by Jeff Sherman posted on

According to a story today from, Milwaukee is the 12th most sustainable city in the country. It is first in a ranking of "water supply" and second in one of "natural disaster risk."

The health and sustainable living Web site says, "America's 50 biggest cities are thinking green and the 2008 SustainLane U.S. City Rankings-topped by Portland, Ore.-reveal which cities are increasingly self-sufficient, prepared for the unexpected and taking steps toward preserving and enhancing their quality of life." said this about Milwaukee, "Since Milwaukee inaugurated its first office of sustainability in 2006, green momentum in the Midwestern city has picked up steam. Located on the western shore of Lake Michigan, Milwaukee has invested in New Urbanist redevelopment, consciously folding sustainability into it's planning and design (one green public housing development nabbed a Sierra Club honor in 2005). It has also taken great care to manage storm water and reduce runoff into the lake and area rivers. And that's not all: In 2006, five percent of its fleet vehicles ran on alternative energy. A year later, more than 40 percent of the city's fleet are powered by alternative fuel. A 2006 energy audit of the City Hall complex led to power-saving measures that reduced energy use there by nine percent and saved the city $35,000 in one year. The city also has public outreach campaigns for recycling, composting, and water conservation. The city's updated bike plan may help get the near-75 percent of car commuters heading out to work...riding their bikes instead!"


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