Sunday, July 24, 2011

Good news from USPS/Weekend Edition

I know it is easy to beat up on the US Postal Service,  but here is some good news for a change:

USPS Saves $400m on Energy Since FY2007

"The U.S. Postal Service has accumulated over $400 million in avoided energy costs since fiscal year 2007, the service has announced.
USPS made the announcement on the second anniversary of New York City’s largest green roof, atop the Morgan mail processing and distribution facility, which has saved more than $1 million in energy costs so far. The roof reduced energy use by 40 percent in the first year, the service reported.
USPS said it has created, and continues to develop, robust systems to audit and analyze facility energy data. It said…."

To finish the article, use this link:

What lessons can private transportation companies learn from their success?  Can the USPS follow this up with a dramatic change in their fueling of trucks and a radical change in their delivery system to further, substantially reduce costs while still providing a valuable service?

If any of our readers/viewers work for the USPS,  we'd like to hear from you.


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