Tuesday, October 11, 2011

RSF Social Finance

Before we get on to today's blog, we want to thank Samual James for his kind comments on our blog.  We really appreciate all feedback, suggestions and ideas for new blogs and shows.

We appreciate it, Samual, and please keep reading and sharing our blog with others.

Found this non-profit with a very interesting focus on "transforming the way the world works with money".  One of the strategies they use, we find intriguing, is their investment in fixing our "broken" food chain, an issue we've covered many times.

RSF Social Finance
RSF Social Finance (RSF) is a pioneering non-profit financial services organization dedicated to transforming the way the world works with money. In partnership with a community of investors and donors, RSF provides capital to non-profit and for-profit social enterprises addressing key issues in the areas of Food & Agriculture, Education & the Arts, and Ecological Stewardship.
RSF Social Finance
Jillian McCoy

Here is there most recent newsletter.  Please make sure you click on the complete report as it  is well worth reading, and positive news on their worthy investments:

RSF Fall Newlsetter: Food & Agriculture
In this issue of the RSF Quarterly, we examine ways in which people are actively working to change how our food system operates. Check out the Clients in Conversation piece to learn about the work of RSF investor-borrowers, Jessica Rolph (HAPPYFAMILY) and John Roulac (Nutiva), in the superfoods industry. In other stories, hear from guest essayist Naomi Starkman on the burgeoning food hub movement and learn how members of the RSF community are educating the next generation to build a revitalized food system. Also, hear RSF's Entrepreneur-in-Residence Joel Solomon share his journey from biodynamic farming to finance. To download an electronic copy of the quarterly, click here. To receive hard copies of future issues free of charge, click here.


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