Tuesday, March 27, 2012

We ran this last year and had a great response

This from Nature's Conservancy:  

  • ou're Invited: Picnic for the Planet‏

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Picnic for the Planet - Earth Day 2011 - Join the Earth Day Celebration!

You’re invited to celebrate with us on Earth Day, Sunday April 22! Attend a picnic, host one of your own or find other ways to join in the fun.

Get Involved
You’re invited to Picnic for the Planet — our global Earth Day celebration!

On the weekend of Earth Day, April 22, people in Rhode Island and around the world will celebrate the planet we live on, the food that it provides and the people with whom we share it.

There are many ways to participate: 

We want to make this the world's largest picnic celebration, so let us know if you are planning to join or host a Picnic for the Planet! Be sure to R.S.V.P. today.

Please follow @allhandsonearth on Twitter and Facebook to get the latest news about Picnic for the Planet.

We just finished writing a closing for our show that we shot in Boston at Carbon Day.  The mission of Carbon Day is to get everyone, everyone, to contribute towards a reduction of our collective carbon footprint.  We know this has to be a collective effort.

If you can treat everyday as Earth Day, do something to create less waste, use less energy, support companies and organizations that are making a difference, you win, we win and both the environment and economy takes one step closer to sustainability.


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