Tuesday, May 29, 2012

From Barbara Seeley

Please let us know your thoughts on this:

Stop the Dirty Water Gang
"For the past ten years, we have been fighting to restore critical Clean Water Act protections to 1,392 miles of streams and wetlands in Rhode Island, including those that feed Narragansett Bay and all of Rhode Island's great waters. Finally, we are on the verge of winning.
But just as President Obama is about to sign off on the biggest victory for clean water in Rhode Island in decades, the “Dirty Water Gang” in Congress is trying to block us.
In little more than a week, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on a provision to block Clean Water Act protections for 752 miles of Rhode Island's streams and 20 million acres of the nation's wetlands. Already, 29 members1 of the House Appropriations Committee approved this measure.
These people think they can keep getting away with doing the bidding of Big Oil, the coal industry and other water polluters.
Not this time.
The vote could happen next Wednesday. If 500 people from Rhode Island send emails to our state’s legislators, they’ll get the message loud and clear that it’s unacceptable to roll back protections for our waterways.
Let's pave the way for restored protections for Rhode Island's waters. And let's make sure the Dirty Water Gang doesn’t get away with this.
Thanks as always for making it all possible,

John Rumpler

Senior Environmental Attorney
Environment Rhode Island"


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