Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI goes green with fuel efficient cars

We applaud the Pope's progress in reducing the Vatican's carbon footprint, with many positive changes, and his terrific attitude about get sustainable.  We need this type of leadership, across the globe, from our key players in every sector; including religion and other non-profits..

We have no doubt Jesus led a natural life with great respect for our base resources.  The Vatican, like all of us, got away from some of those early lessons, but thanks to the Pope and his personal commitment to simplify and streamline, we are coming full circle back to humbler beginnings.

The story:

"Green Pope” Pope Benedict XVI has gotten some new wheels.
It’s not a new tricked-out Popemobile, but the electric cars he has received as gifts fall in line with the environmental issues that have marked Benedict’s papacy.
A Daily Caller story on Yahoo! News reported that French car manufacturer Renault presented Pope Benedict XVI with a white Renault Kangoo, to be used at his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo. Another car was donated for use by Benedict’s security force.
The 85-year-old Benedict has written and spoken of the need to protect the environment during his time at the Vatican.According to, the Vatican has added solar panels and a solar cooling unit, and has offset carbon dioxide emissions through reforestation since the papacy of Pope Benedict XVI.
According to The Daily Beast, shortly after being elected pope, Pope Benedict said that "the earth's treasures have been made to serve the powers of exploitation and destruction" and called on Catholics to take better care of God's creation.
The Kangoo Maxi Z.E. retails at about $20,000, according to Renault. They say the electric cars both have 60 horsepower, and can drive about 106 miles on a single charge.
Mercedes-Benz makes the customized Popemobile that the pope uses on trips away from the Vatican, according to Boulder Daily Camera. The company is researching a hybrid, energy-saving version.


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