Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Today's radio show on WARL 1320 and Blog Talk Radio

Is going to cover a lot of ground.  The first part of the show--which runs live, 12-1p, EST, every Weds, will feature Jack Gregg, my co-host from Boston and this is what we are talking about:

"My guest for Renewable Now on Wednesday, Dec. 19 will be Bob Ackley of Gas Safety Inc. (  He is committed to the safe transmission and use of natural gas and propane. Natural gas leaks can be an explosion hazard as well as an environmental hazard that can threaten your health and environment. He has studies that show Natural gas leaks emanating from distribution piping systems are causing millions of dollars of damage to lawns, shrubs and trees. He has instruments that have the ability to detect as little as 10 parts per million of natural gas or propane. Recent studies have been published for the Boston ( ) and other states towns and cities.
BU and Gas Safety Inc did the testing and maping for the Boston report."

The second part is a Christmas special as we bring in Goodwill Industries to talk about their amazing, feel-good stories about job training, putting people back to work, how those people, amongst other skills, are learning how to recycle and rebuild electronics, and we'll find out more about how their e-waste efforts have helped clean up RI.

Feel free to contact us through Twitter and Facebook if you'd like to ask a question and make a comment.

We are the business side of green.


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