From an article by Tom Daykin in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
The state Department of Transportation will study the feasibility of creating a lane for biking and walking across Milwaukee's Hoan Bridge as part of the department's overall work on rebuilding the span.
That study is to be completed this fall, said DeWayne Johnson, the department's regional director for southeastern Wisconsin.
Johnson made his comments at a meeting of the Long-Range Lakefront Planning Committee.
The County Board created the committee to advise it on the future of O'Donnell Park, the Downtown Transit Center and nearby areas.
The board created the group after philanthropist and retired business executive Michael Cudahy floated a plan to demolish O'Donnell Park and the transit center and replace them with a hotel and office buildings. Cudahy is founder of Discovery World and co-owner of the lakefront Harbor House restaurant.
Among other things, committee members are working with DOT officials on possibly reconfiguring ramps tied to the eastern portion of downtown's I-794 and the Hoan Bridge.
That would open up more land near Lake Michigan for development.
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