Friday, July 15, 2011

Tomorrow's Bee-a-Thon

This is going to be an interesting broadcast tomorrow.  Here's description of what is going on:

"On July 16th, bee counters across the nation are hosting “backyard bee parties” and other garden events as they celebrate Bee-a-thon 2011, the first-ever online “town hall” event dedicated to our pollinators and broadcasting live to worldwide audiences from 9 am to 9 pm US-Pacific Time

I am writing today to ask you to help spread the word, through your network, friends and family, about this free online grassroots event to help raise awareness around the plight of our disappearing bees. Bee-a-thon 2011 is a fun, interactive event featuring top experts in science, horticulture, conservation and education, as well as other environmental players from the arts and sciences.  People can tune-in to Bee-a-thon anytime throughout the day from living rooms, gardens, mobile devices and “backyard bee parties” all over the world, to listen in and ask questions in real time.  Get inspired to take action - your voice would be a valuable addition to this important conversation! "  

This is very intereresting:   "Bee-a-thon 2011 is hosted and produced by, the free social network for gardeners, in partnership with The Great Sunflower Project.  We are counting bees across North America to help shape bee conservation efforts as part of the larger global mission to support pollinator culture, biodiversity and food security.  And we are getting lots of support as Bee-a-thon 2011 is being promoted by fellow stewards of the planet such as Mother Earth News (1 million-plus online audience)."

Bottom line:  " help shape bee conservation efforts as part of the larger global mission to support pollinator culture, biodiversity and food security.".  What does this mean?  It means exactly what Greg Garritt told us on a recent show:  We cannot secure our economic future without preserving and properly managing our natural resources.  Our food chain, and the food industry it feeds, cannot be broken.  Our investment in sustaining strong ecological assets is paramount.

Our show is happy to promote this event and to partner with Your Garden Show Network.  Please promote the broadcast (and rebroadcast) when you can.

Enjoy.  We will leave this up tomorrow and post a new blog later on Sat or early Sunday.


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