On Friday I was lucky enough to do an interview with Jose Espinosa of Green Stories, who produces video segments for Voice of America. He was in RI finding the best green stories in the State, and Arpin was lucky to be included for installing the first auto recharging unit in State, and our many other green initiatives.
It gave me reason to look again at the VOA site and, specifically, their Going Green channel. It is excellent, very worthy of a daily link. Here's the address: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/going-green/ .
Some of their stories::
"Lake Chad was once one of the largest bodies of fresh water in the world. Now it's only a fraction of what it used to be. The lake is an important resource for several countries in Africa and now the communiti...
U.S. lawmakers recently voted to end subsidies on ethanol. Though the legislation is still pending, it has re-started the conversation on whether or not ethanol is effective as a way to curb greenhouse gases...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lists more 1100 mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and other living creatures as endangered. Some of those are on the brink of extinction. That's why the work of organizations like t...
In 1992, more than 100 heads of state met for what was then an unprecedented global event on the environment. The international earth summit was the start of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Chang...
Enjoy the channel. They have some great programming beaming around the world. Some really interesting content. We'll let you know when we'll be profiled on there.
Also, on this weekend, regardless of where you live in the world, celebrating or not, it is a good time to think about how you can reduce your impact on our one-world environment: turn off a light, drive less, think efficient, less energy used, less waste and how, long-term, you can reshape your world to help create a cleaner Mother Earth.
All makes good personal and business sense. Less energy used, less waste, means you save money and have more to invest in those assets that bring success and happiness.
We are proud of our network, show, guests, employees, readers, viewers and you are part of a new, cleaner, smarter world.
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