Before we get to today's blog, we want to thank Pick Up America and Greenopolis for offering positive comments on our blogs. We love the feedback and look forward to having them both on a radio or TV show of ours. Please keep the feedback coming and, of course, ideas for stories and shows.
Now, on to today's post. As you know, we are huge believers in the ecological and economic nirvana of transforming to EV's. We've done shows and blogs on this, and will continue to do so.
So, we're glad to share news of a great new documentary, sent to us by Sierra Club, called "Revenge of the Electric Car". It looks great. Here is the link to the trailer--take a look:
Part of the story: "If you're lucky enough to live near one of the 30+ cities where the film Revenge of the Electric Car will be showing now and in the coming weeks, don't miss the chance. And if you're even luckier to live near San Francisco, Ann Arbor, Cambridge, Portland (OR), or Chicago, you are cordially invited to walk the green carpet to a special viewing of the film. Tickets are going fast, so I recommend you order them online where available.
Not only is Revenge a really fun and fast-paced documentary (yes, even a documentary can be fun), but it's an important look into an industry that is both a big part of the climate change problem and can be a big part of the innovative solutions we need. A switch to electric vehicles (EVs) offers us one essential way to reduce emissions and our dependence on oil –- even on today's electricity sources..."
Some of the Chevy Volts are now getting into Northeast cities and showing up on car dealer lots and showrooms. The Leaf and others will follow soon. Please, take a look and give long and careful consideration to an EV when you get ready to buy a new car.
Let's stop importing 20 million barrels of oil a day, and use domestically produced energy, recapturing those dollars and jobs.
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