We had a great turnout today. We spent over two hours satisfying everyone's quest to test drive the Chevy Volt. Included in the crowd was Senator Miller, whose show with us will be on News 5 tomorrow morning at 9a (please tune in), and who is an important cog in finalizing RI's newest legislation aimed at pushing the State to the top of the sustainability heap. He loved it and is ready to trade in his 12-year old car.
Our thanks to everyone who packed the Farmer's Market and our back parking lot on a beautiful, sunny day. It could not have been a better day for driving a brand new, very fun EV.
Even more interesting, when we returned the car to Cerrone, we were told that the car, the one we had for 3 days, had sold to the Farelly brothers, and was shipping out right away for an appearance in a new movie. A star is born.
We are on the road next week, up in sustainable Toronto, but will try hard to post a blog each day. Also, I will be calling into our live radio show on Weds, 12-1p EST, and will give an update from that great city.
Please watch our TV show tomorrow, and listen in, and call-in, to us this Weds.
Please post any comments you may have on the Volt right here, and feel free to offer advise on other EV's as well.
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