Thought everyone might be interested in this:
The Power of Green - How Greener Products Can Help You Meet Customers’ Needs & Build Brand Loyalty
Excellent book! Sheds new and important light on the business case for why companies must provide greener and more sustainable products, as well as best practices for marketing greener products. Al Iannuzzi’s book will be of interest to corporations that desire to present new insights on how best to make greener products and for those of us in higher education, who seek to prepare the next generation of business leadership on now to make and market sustainable brands as part of a comprehensive strategy to achieve competitive advantage.
—Robert L. Lattimer, Senior Fellow, Diversity Studies, John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, Rutgers University; Chair, Board of Directors, American Society for Competitiveness (ASC)
PS: Thanks for a great show today. We'll be with you next Weds on WARl 1320AM.
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