In case you did not see this previously:
When the coal companies get going on this it is going to be brutal.
Yesterday, President Obama drew a historic line in the sand with an EPA proposal that puts strong limits on the power plant pollution that causes global warming. This is the pollution that leads to worse air pollution, more devastating floods, and more extreme weather — with low-lying coastal states like Rhode Island especially vulnerable. Join us in showing your support for the first-ever nationwide limits on carbon pollution from new power plants.
This action is a huge step toward tackling this huge problem. But now comes the hard part.
The coal companies, utilities, and other special interests are furious that these rules could force them to stop spewing unlimited amounts of carbon pollution into our air — and they're sure to launch a well-funded and ruthless campaign to force President Obama to back down. They'll spend millions on lobbying and run paid ads saying that the science isn't settled, that cutting carbon pollution will completely destroy our economy, and that the sun sets in the east.
As we gear up for what could be the year's biggest fight, I know that there's only one force strong enough to defeat industry dollars: People power. That's why I need to know — will you join us today and add your name in support of these historic standards?...
If you'd like to read more, click on the embedded links.
We'd like to hear your comments on this. We believe a transformation to cleaner domestic energy production, absolutely, away from coal, is one of the best investments we can make into our future economic growth and environmental protection. Combine that with transforming over to EV's, using cleaner domestic energy production, and we'll bring money, jobs and clean air back to our nation...and help the world balance as well.
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