272 days since Focus on Energy "suspended" the renewable energy business program!
88 days since Focus on Energy "suspended" the renewable energy residential program!
Dozens of people submitted comments asking the PSC to restart Focus on Energy renewable incentive.
Have you?
You’ll be in good company if you comment. Go to this PSC Web page, then click on “Documents” to see who already signed.
You have only until the end of next week, March 30 to tell the Public Service Commission to RESTART the incentives.
Remember when Wisconsin used to give incentives, as directed by state law, to people, organizations, and businesses that installed renewable energy systems – solar, wind, biodigesters, and more – through Focus on Energy, which the Public Service Commission oversees.
Not any more!
Since the first of this year, Focus on Energy stopped giving renewable incentives to homeowners as well!
Incentives would again be offered in the spring, said Shaw Environmental, the state-contracted administrator of Focus. Not!
Put a comment in the PSC's official proceeding (5-GF-191) for Focus on Energy. Click here to get to the comment form.
Here’s a sample message to deliver in your email or on the phone:
The Focus on Energy program used to have a successful renewable energy incentive program, but now the program has been completely dropped. Homeowners and businesses that want to improve the environment, support local jobs, and promote energy independence need the incentives and services to make installations affordable and easy to implement.
RENEW Wisconsin is an independent, nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization that advocates for businesses, organizations, and individuals who want more clean renewable energy in Wisconsin. More information on RENEW's vision, 2012 action plan, and how to become a member can be found on RENEW's Web site at www.renewwisconsin.com. Join or donate today! Click here.
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