Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thank you to Barbara Seely

For adding a positive comment to the blog, and sending us material to use today.  We love the positive feedback and editorial help.  Please do the same, if you can.

Here's a petition, in RI, to stop selling and using plastic bags.  We just talked about this on last week's show, and we advocate heavily for this change.

Here's Barbara's note: " I just added my name to a petition to stop pollution from plastic bags in towns and cities around Rhode Island. Plastic bags pose a direct threat to Narragansett Bay and the marine ecosystem we treasure and depend on. Luckily, the solution is simple - we can ban plastic bags so people use reusable ones instead. Join me and sign this petition!"

To take action on this issue, click on the link below:
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This change will benefit the State on both an environmental and economic level. The environmental benefits are well stated here. Just think about how many times a day a plastic bag blows by you as you drive or walk in the city or neighborhood.
Financially, they are waste, pure and simple.  Waste, as everyone knows, costs money to pick up and recycle or bury.  Reusable bags, widely used, would eliminate a great deal of clutter from our landfills and landscape.
We applaud those states, including Oregon, who banned plastic bags before us.  Time for this tiny but beautiful State, when not littered with debris, to catch up.
Will you support this change?


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